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Outplacement Coaching

Preparing Yourself

Welcome to this second module, focusing on laying the foundations to prepare you to  become successfully self-employed



Tackle the module in bite size chunks, don’t feel the need to do everything in one go and allow plenty of time to digest and apply the information covered



The module includes helpful ‘Activities’ for you to complete, it is strongly recommended that you undertake them to get the most out of the content and the key learning points



Allow yourself time to reflect and take on board the advice, key messages and suggested tasks in the programme to enable you to move forward with your self-employed campaign

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This module will enable you to



  • Ensure that your self-limiting beliefs are not a barrier to self-employment



  • Identify and understand your core values and their market importance



  • Become conscious of your key skills and strengths and experiences



  • Develop strong achievements that visibly demonstrate your market value



  • Design powerful differentiating CVs for target clients and customers

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It is crucial that your self-limiting beliefs do not inhibit or stop you from becoming successfully self-employed, so what are they and how can you manage them?



Self-limiting beliefs



  • Are the negative tapes that play at the backs of our minds



  • Develop from childhood onwards, they’re learnt not innate



  • Strongly influence how we think, speak, act and behave



  • Often originally had a useful purpose e.g. to protect us



  • For example 'I mustn’t speak out' previously helped to avoid feeling embarrassed



  • But the negative impact now outweighs the protective value of the belief



  • Are unique to each of us, but some of the more common ones are

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We can replace our self-limiting beliefs with self-liberating beliefs



Below is an example of how a self-limiting belief can be replaced

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Replacing self-limiting beliefs with self-liberating beliefs takes practice and determination, but is incredibly emancipating if you can



Practise the new belief in small matters to see how it goes



Use a physical object (e.g. pocket coin) to remind you of the new belief



Some of the more frequently experienced self limiting beliefs in relation to becoming self-employed that you can change and re-programme if needs be might include



  • 'I don't feel comfortable selling so nobody will buy from me'



  • 'I'm not a real entrepreneur like the ones you see on TV'



  • 'I've never done this before so it will probably fail' 



  • 'I have always needed somebody else to manage me'



  • 'If I make mistakes or it goes wrong it will all be my fault'



  • 'I'm not a natural networker so new people may not like me'

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Your values are



  • The basic beliefs that guide your words, thoughts and behaviours



  • What is important to you, one way you judge yourself and others



Values are important because, like oxygen



  • They’re vital to well being, yet you don’t consciously think of them



  • You only realise their importance when they’re restricted or stifled



Knowing your values is crucial as



  • Customers and clients buy you ‘the person’ as well as your abilities



  • You need to know and feel comfortable projecting your values



Being able to spot and understand your client or customer values



  • Will enable you to understand how they like to be treated and do business



  • Will enable you to successfully 'tune in to'  and empathise with clients and customers

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We are not born competent to be self-employed, we learn competencies



We 'unconsciously' use our skills and abilities – on 'auto pilot'



We need to take a step back to identify and articulate our abilities



By being 'consciously' competent not 'unconsciously' competent



We can then identify, articulate and 'sell' our abilities confidently



Doing so feels awkward, it isn’t what we usually do while in a job



Essentially, the way we learn can be described as follows

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Recognising, identifying, and valuing your saleable skills is vital



Below is a small selection of some of the skills clients and customers often seek

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Recognising, identifying, and valuing your saleable strengths is critical



Below is a small selection of some of the strengths clients and customers often seek

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How many skills and how many strengths did you identify in total?  Probably a lot more than you thought you would!

How many skills and strengths could you have  identified without the lists?  Probably a lot fewer!

The reason why it can be more difficult to do it ‘from a blank sheet’ of paper is that you are currently unconsciously competent - on automatic pilot - as we saw when we looked at how people learn

Which is why you need to take a step back and become consciously competent i.e. become self-aware and do something about it 

All of the words in these and any other lists are there for you to use to start building a clear picture of what you have to offer

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When painting a visual picture of your skills and strengths 



  • You may wish to attach a describing or qualifying word first to describe them



  • There are many different ones you can use, provided you are comfortable with them



  • The following are a small sample, that you are very welcome to use as appropriate

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SE M2 Action Words.png

Action words are important 'doing' words in describing your achievements



Below is a small selection of some of the more useful action words you could use

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Recognising achievements raises your self-awareness and self-esteem



Articulating achievements differentiates you from other job hunters



Strong achievements answer three questions clearly and concisely



So what was the achievement?



  • Ensuring the reader understands, recognises and values it



So what benefit(s) resulted?



  • Confirming the key quality and/or quantity measures of success



So what does it say about you?



  • Demonstrating the skills and/or strengths that you used to make it happen



'Don’t get it right, get it written' – focus on capturing the key 'so what' info



You may find it easier to start off with your most recent achievements

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You may find it useful to print off the 'Word Bank' by CLICKING HERE

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Having brainstormed the ‘raw material’ of your achievements, they now need honing into strong, concise, attention grabbing bullet points



This is an iterative process, you will not get where to you want to be first time, it usually takes several goes to get them right



Once drafted, it can be very useful to share your achievements with one or more others to get their feedback and suggestions



Some example achievements that might help you with drafting your achievements are provided below



Where safely possible, once you have honed the achievements, share them with others to seek feedback on how to improve them further



Feel free to use any words or phrases in the achievements that are useful to you as well as any of the words in the 'Word Bank' PDF



  • Project managed a £1.5m office refurbishment meeting all time, budget and quality targets using strong leadership and consultative abilities



  • Used excellent networking and communication skills to identify and win new customers resulting in £1.3m p.a. additional gross sales



  • Won numerous multi million pound contracts including MOD, NHS and Lloyds using effective analytical and negotiation skills with determination



  • Generated excellent customer feedback managing 11 high volume catering venues and 150 staff by being motivational, energetic and fair



  • Consistently met high volume parcel van delivery targets with good customer feedback by being highly organised, accurate, diligent and friendly



  • Regularly received excellent manager and customer feedback for front desk reception cover by always being efficient and professional



  • Designed and presented a new, more informative, Excel spreadsheet at monthly meetings that measurably improved reporting and shortened meeting length



  • Negotiated and implemented a new defined benefits staff pension scheme with two unions resulting in a 9% p.a. business cost reduction

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Outplacement Coaching

The key purposes of your CV are to



  • Generate interviews, meetings, sales conversations/presentations or other interactions



  • Differentiate yourself from the other applicants – to get you 'ahead of the pack'



  • Tell the reader – 'I did a great job for them and I can do a great job for you'



  • Raise your self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence in your market value



  • To increase your understanding of your potential target markets and opportunities

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A good quality CV



  • Uses achievements not responsibilities



  • Is clear, meaningful, relevant and concise  



  • Has the most important info as early as possible



  • Doesn’t use any 'I', 'my' and 'we' phrasing



  • Only uses jargon readers will know and expect



  • Is social media, email and online friendly

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Minimum content



  • Contact details

  • Social media links



  • Personal profile

  • Employment history

  • Achievements



  • Qualifications

  • Memberships



  • Education

  • Training




  • Two or three pages maximum



  • Specialist CVs can be longer



  • Simple uncluttered format



  • Bullet points and punchy



  • Good white space usage



  • Spell/grammar checked    

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Omit, unless requested



  • Photos or pictures – 2% of the population is photogenic, are you one of them?



  • Reasons for leaving any job – not relevant to getting an interview and difficult to explain ‘on paper’, best explained and discussed face to face



  • Age or date of birth – it's superfluous info and, due to age discrimination legislation, some organisations disqualify CVs that include the info to protect themselves



  • Referees or testimonials – leave until asked for them, then you can choose who you use and give them some advance warning and guidance 



  • Family or marital information – irrelevant info that shouldn’t affect decision making either way



  • Health/weight/height – if you have any related issues, they are best discussed verbally, if they ask about them

Optional, if congruent and relevant



  • Interests and hobbies    



  • Charity or NFP etc. activities    



  • Driving licence information   

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A personal profile statement



  • Is circa 30 words long and appears at the beginning of the CV



  • Summarises the key attributes and experience you have to offer



  • Is your first impression - and you only get one chance to make it



  • Is not a compulsory feature, but many readers expect to see one



  • Some readers don’t like them so, for them, keep it short and sharp



  • The following are a couple of examples of effective profile statements

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Reverse chronology CV



  • The most common and most traditional format



  • Starts with most recent role and works backwards



  • Emphasises most recent achievements and experiences



  • Particularly favoured by recruitment agencies



  • Good if seeking to stay in similar roles and sectors



Functional CV



  • Useful if trying to move to a different job and/or sector



  • Allows you to tailor the order of skills sets as you wish



  • Focusses on skills and achievements rather than roles



  • Enable career gaps to be de-emphasised






  • Either above formats work, but reverse chronology is usually used



  • Usually much longer than two pages and much more detailed

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Below is the an example of a 'typical' two page reverse chronology CV



Let's take some time looking at some of the features and benefits of this type of CV

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The following functional CV contains the same info as the previous reverse chronology CV, but by function rather than from most recent job going backwards



It is a format that is most useful for networking, consultancy and when trying to change sector or types of roles 



It is least east helpful with recruitment agencies and headhunters who, almost always, prefer to see to see a reverse chronology CV

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As we have seen, the best achievements answer three ‘so what’ questions



  • ‘So what’ was the achievement



  • ‘So what’ success measure(s) did it generate



  • ‘So what’ skills and strengths of yours made it happen



It doesn’t matter in what order the three questions are answered, as long as they are



It does matter that



  • Automated online readers can identify key words and score you to the next stage



  • Human readers can quickly understand, recognise and value your three answers

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Now for some related maths – there are six different ways of ordering the three ‘so what’ answers in a punchy sentence

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Let's have a look at real example to see how the six different ways work out in practice to see how they actually read

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The three ‘so what’ elements of an example achievement we are going to use are



THE ACHIEVEMENT – ‘successfully led and trained a sales team of 10



THE MEASURE – ‘exceeded annual sales target by 20% over 3 consecutive years’     



THE SKILL(S)/STRENGTH(S) – ‘used excellent coaching and motivation skills’    



The six combinations of the three ‘so what’ answers could look something like this


Successfully led and trained a sales team of 10 to exceed annual sales target by 20% over 3 consecutive years using excellent coaching and motivational skills





Successfully led and trained a sales team of 10 using excellent coaching and motivational skills to exceed annual sales target by 20% over 3 consecutive years





Used excellent coaching and motivational skills to successfully lead and train a sales team of 10 to exceed annual sales target by 20% over 3 consecutive years





Used excellent coaching and motivational skills to exceed annual sales target by 20%  over 3 consecutive years by successfully leading and training a sales team of 10





Exceeded annual sales target by 20% over 3 consecutive years using excellent coaching and motivational skills to successfully lead and train a sales team of 10





Exceeded annual sales target by 20% over 3 consecutive years by successfully leading and training a sales team of 10 using excellent coaching and motivational skills

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As you can see, they can all work, its simply a matter of deciding what works best for you



As you build more achievements you need to use all of the 6 different options for variety



The variety is needed for human readers, of course, not the automated online readers!



You might find it useful to print off the 'Word Bank' we looked at before by CLICKING HERE



Additional example CVs can be accessed by CLICKING HERE

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In relation to preparing for your self-employed campaign, this module has enabled you to



  • Understand and overcome any significant self-limiting beliefs



  • Recognise and assess your values and their market significance



  • Appreciate how we learn to prepare you for a steep learning curve



  • Increase your self-awareness, self-esteem  and self-confidence



  • Express your skills, strengths and achievements powerfully and effectively



  • Create and update your CV as a powerful self-employment sales tool



Go to the next module by CLICKING HERE



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